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Journalist database contacts are waiting for you

The only journalist database you'll ever need. Thousands of global journalists and bloggers are waiting to be a part of your latest campaign. Make your next press release a hit today!

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The top journalist database is a click away

Extensive Press Contact List

Access our journalist database containing 360,000+ global contacts from 30+ countries including the UK, US, China and Germany. Continuously updated with contact information at local, national and international level.

Organised Outreach

Easily manage groups of similar or related press contacts so your outreach can be targeted and personalised. Import your own PR lists to engage with alongside authors from our vast contact database.

Distribution & Analysis

Measure your message performance using key readership metrics from open and click through rates to the length of time each person spent reading your email. Monitor for new articles that are published as a result of your efforts!


Unlimited Lists

Create a list of journalists you can rely on. Starting with our media contact database, you can import your existing contacts.

Effective Distribution

With the push of a button,  export your complete media list and send your press releases directly via a customised email template.

How to tell your story - with the right voices?

For a PR professional today, finding the right journalists, bloggers, and thought leaders to share your message is complicated. Influencing them is even more complicated. And measuring results can seem impossible! 

Find out how our world class press database connects you to influencers with impact. 

“Meltwater's journalist database helps us connect and interact with the potential influencers and media professionals to disseminate refined and directed content facilitating our PR and communication efforts in generating awareness and leads.”

Adam Šapić, Digital Marketing Manager & Strategist - Yogurt Top Marketing


Find the right journalists to tell your brand story

Join 27,000 leading companies making better informed decisions using relevant insights surfaced by the Meltwater media intelligence platform. Stay on top of billions of online conversations.

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